Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tina Care

Ok so here is the deal. I am the one who should make the text books or little pamphlets in the doctors office of surgeries and treatment gone wrong. Let me tell you my story. I am 35 yes and that is not old trust me but there are days, weeks and even years that I feel twice my age and a little ridiculous at my judgement calls in my overall health. I was a bad girl growing up and suffered from invincibility and there are times that I think this is all Karma coming to kick my ass. That being said.

About 3 years ago I was starting to lose my mind, or at least I thought I was. I went to the doctor to find that miracle pill which would make me function again and be a "normal" mommy and wife. I was tired, I was in pain and I truly wanted to climb out of my skin. Not good. Yes I am over weight what the medical field calls morbidly obese..really not necessary if you ask me, but still. I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure or any other medical condition that is assumed to be shared by all fat people. I was sick though and started having major issues with the baby factory. Whatever. The docs put me on Prozac thinking I was just a over stressed working mom and need some mood stabilizers. Fine I will try them. Still no help. They then wanted to start testing me for autoimmune diseases: lupus was their best guess. Great! If it will explain why I am the way I am then great lets do this. After all the blood test and any other expensive test they could find to run, there was no answer.

It was time for my to have my dreaded annual. So I scheduled it like a good girl. That night I was watching Mystery Diagnosis on the Health Channel and low and behold a woman had every and I mean every symptom I was dealing with. At first I thought I was being a hypochondriac and delusional about the whole thing. Oh I need to let you all know I am a nursing student so I do understand medical mumbo jumbo, this is a case when ignorance is bliss, trust me. So after the visit of sitting spread eagle in the straps they send me for a Ultra sound. Well I never made it to that appointment, that night I ended up in the ER with excessive bleeding I thought I was dying and the pain was unbearable. This is the first of many visit, they knew me by name...not what I wanted for sure. I had a grapefruit sized cyst on my right ovary. TA DA!!!

That explains a lot, so surgery was schedule, feeling confident and a little scared at the possible diagnosis of cancer attached to this monstrous havoc on my body I decided to have my tubes tied also. They needed my husbands signature...really what does he have to do with all of this. Irate he took the day off to sign the weaver. The doc tried to explain it to him, he cut him off and said no really this is fine with me. So surgery was performed, all went well so I though. Two weeks later I ended up back in the hospital telling the docs something is wrong...seriously wrong. After more lovely testing they proceeded to tell me that because I am so big they cant tell what is wrong. Really? So they went back in and oh the left ovary was tied in a huge mess with my left tube, so removal of both would be needed. Done? I don't think so. 

6 months later the pain was back everything was back! So back I go, more test more blood more stress- hysterectomy. Bonus tummy tuck added on I was stocked! This was a win win in my book! Flat tummy and no more bleeding Woo Hooo! So that surgery was horrendous but recovered beautifully. Another 4 months went by and the pain had returned, and a little bit of bleeding. Yes bleeding. Went back in and discovered a Hernia from my monster incision (hip to hip-12 inches long) ok then I am told that they want to do a gallbladder test, no problems with my gallbladder, but was told that it was only functioning at 10% and must be taken out at the same time, whatever just do it. Woke up with no gall bladder and still hernia, which I will remind you was the whole reason for returning to docs. I was furious but scheduled the hernia for the following month.

All was well until this last summer EVERYTHING was back, the pain bleeding all of it. Went back again, yep you got it another grapefruit cyst hanging out on the same ovary again. Now I am angry and storm into the office demanding the removal of the cyst and the ovary. 2 1/2 years with pain was too long for me I have things to do! So once again surgery was schedule feeling confidant once again sign the consent. Woke up in recovery to find out that they did not take anything out just cut me open and looked around!  The kicker is the doc doesn't want to follow up with me and is sending me to the doc who did my hernia for follow up care. The original doc would not even check in on me in recovery! wont answer my calls or nothing. I feel so in the does this happen? 7 surgeries 9 procedures in the past 2 years and then you dump me? Oh and thankfully I have awesome insurance, isn't that interesting to say the least! The docs don't know anything and I think they saw me coming...shame on me for wanting to feel better!

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